Nov-Dec_Issue - page 4

Wisconsin Community Banker
November/December 2014
Chairman’s View
by Jerry O’Connor, CBW Chairman
CBW/WBA Merger: Bringing the Best of
Both Together for the People of Wisconsin
On behalf
of the CBW Board of Direc-
tors I am pleased to report
that following a careful review, an agreement to
merge the Community Bankers of Wisconsin
and the Wisconsin Bankers Association has been
approved and recommended to the CBW mem-
bership. Membership ballots were mailed to all
CBW members on Dec. 9.
For several months, the executive officers of
CBW and WBA have been meeting to discuss
a merger of our associations. Throughout this
process our focus has been on our members and
striving toward a common goal of doing what
is in the best interest of the Wisconsin banking
industry. We believe this merger of two strong
associations under the WBA name will enhance
for your benefit our common mission of provid-
ing services in advocacy, education, and innova-
tive products and services while creating new
opportunities for growth.
CBW and WBA have partnered success-
fully on a salary survey, Capitol Day, political
fundraising, TEFRA challenges, educational
programs, and other association services. These
important initiatives would not have been suc-
cessful without your support and have demon-
strated that working together enhances member-
ship value, provides efficiencies, and allows for
greater influence.
One merger benefit will be a reduction in
the dues paid for the 186 financial institutions
that are members of both CBW and WBA. The
CBW Board of Directors has approved a dues
holiday and no CBW dues will be assessed for
the upcoming year. For the CBW member banks
who are not currently WBA members, we would
like to say “thank you” for your past support and
encourage you to take advantage of the many
services that will now be offered by a combined
Those CBW members that are also WBA
members will receive (by separate mailing)
another set of documents including another vot-
ing ballot. If you are a member of
both associations, you must return
both ballots for your vote to count
in both association decisions.
Please return your CBW ballot in
the Godfrey & Kahn postage-paid
envelope, so that it is received no
later than Dec. 30, 2014. All CBW
ballots will be tabulated by Godfrey & Kahn.
As community bankers, you are aware of the
increasing challenges you face including market
competition, regulatory burden, public image,
and succession planning. We believe this CBW/
WBA merger will result in a more powerful orga-
nization, allowing us to better serve your needs,
using our association resources more effectively,
and enhancing our advocacy efforts on your
behalf. If approved, the combined membership
will continue to be comprised of primarily com-
munity banks. On behalf of the CBW Board of
Directors I encourage you to review the enclosed
information and return your ballot supporting
the merger of CBW and WBA. Thank you for
your consideration.
Jerry O’Connor is President
and CEO, The National Bank
of Waupun
Please return your CBW ballot in the Godfrey & Kahn
postage-paid envelope, so that it is received
no later than Dec. 30.
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