July-August-2014 - page 16

Wisconsin Community Banker
July/August 2014
FDIC Chairman Meets withWisconsin Community
Bankers, CBW, WBA
Chairman Martin
Gruenberg and U.S.
Rep. Sean Duffy (7th-WI) were in
Wausau in July, to hear from com-
munity bankers from across the state,
as well as CBW President and CEO
Daryll Lund, and WBA President and
CEO Rose Oswald Poels, on a variety
of regulatory issues. The meeting was
hosted by River Valley Bank.
During the meeting Chairman
Gruenberg reaffirmed the FDIC’s
commitment to community bank-
ing, noting that ninety percent of the
banks in this country are community
“The U.S. needs a strong community
banking sector which is one of our
competitive advantages compared to
other countries,” Gruenberg said. “It is
a function of our history and we need
to preserve community banking for
the sake of our economy. Community
banks are relationship lenders that
make 46 percent of all
loans to small busi-
nesses and farmers.”
Chairman Gru-
enberg reported the
FDIC has added a
new section to the
Quarterly Banking
Profile that reports
on the performance
of community banks.
The 2014 first quarterly
report found that loan
balances at community banks grew
at a faster pace than the industry and
that asset quality indicators continued
to show improvement.
Following the question-and-
answer session, CBW President and
CEO Daryll Lund had a one-on-one
discussion with the FDIC Chairman
and thanked him for his leadership in
initiating recent FDIC studies on the
importance of the community bank-
ing industry, as well as the new report-
ing of community bank stats in the
FDIC’s quarterly reports. Gruenberg
said the FDIC will be dedicating the
resources to continue evaluating how
to keep a viable and growing commu-
nity banking industry.
The FDIC Chairman’s visit was
widely reported in Central Wisconsin
media, including WDEZ Radio and
the Wausau Daily Herald.
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From left: Todd Nagel, River Valley Bank; FDIC Chairman Martin
Gruenberg, and U.S. Rep. Sean Duffy
Photo courtesy of River Valley Bank
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