July-August-2014 - page 41

Leadership Development for Community Bankers
A business-led training program for economic development and employee retention
We Need People Who Drive Change!
All across Wisconsin independent, locally
owned and operated banks invigorate economic
development, stimulate small business growth,
facilitate homeownership, and support community
culture and causes. This professional development
program provides higher-level business and
industry training to new and emerging community
bank leaders.
Who Should Attend
Banking professionals with high leadership
potential including branch managers, banking
loan officers, bank vice presidents, business
development officers, and bank department
Session 1
Leadership Beyond Bank Management
September 12–13, 2014
Session 2
Strategic Thinking and
Performance Management
November 7–8, 2014
Session 3
Executing Strategy and Improvement
January 16–17, 2015
Session 4
Increase Influence and
Lead Change Effectively
March 20–21, 2015
Leadership Development for Community Bankers
A business-led training program for economic development and employee retention
We Need People Who Drive Change!
All across Wisconsin independent, locally
owned and operated banks invigorate economic
development, stimulate small busi ess growth,
facilit te homeownership, and s pport community
culture and causes. This professional development
program provides higher-level business and
industry training to new and emerging community
bank leaders.
Who Should Attend
Banking professionals with high leadership
potential including branch manag rs, banking
lo officers, bank vice presidents, business
development officers, and bank department
ssion 1
Leadership Beyond Bank Management
September 12–13, 2014
S ssi n 2
Strategic Thinking and
Performance Management
November 7–8, 2014
Session 3
Executing Strategy and Improvement
January 16–17, 2015
S ssion 4
Increase Influence and
March 20–21, 2015
Leadership Develop ent
fo Community Bankers
A busi ess-led training program
for eco omic development and employee retention
This professional development program provides higher-level business and industry training
t new and e erging community bank leaders.
Who Should Attend
Banking professionals with high leadership potential including branch managers, banking loan officers, bank vice
presidents, business development officers, and bank departme t ma agers.
Join Us
Session 1—Leadership Beyond Bank Management: Sept. 12 – 13, 2014
Session 2—Strategic Thinking and Performance Management: Nov. 7 – 8, 2014
Session 3—Executing Strategy and Improvement: Jan. 16 – 17, 2015
Session 4—Increase Influence and Lead Change Effectively: Mar. 20 – 21, 2015
Register Online:
July/August 2014
Wisconsin Community Banker
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